Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Food for Fatigue!

Its that time of year where sunlight is rare, the air is cold, and it's a bit more difficult to keep your energy up.  The holiday season - while sparkly and exciting - is also exhausting!  If you're having difficulty with fatigue for whatever reason, these tips are a quick and delicious way to get that energy up!  

Food Remedies for Fatigue: 
·         Squeeze fresh lemon or lime on foods and in drinks.  Lemon and lime are natural “pick-me-ups.”
·         Add garlic to foods.  The stronger the flavor, the more effective it is at improving fatigue.
·         Brown rice balls are an easy “grab and go” snack.  Prepare at home or buy at your local health food store.  Cook one cup of brown rice until sticky and coat by rolling or sprinkling with gomasio or a seaweed gomasio.
·         Barley or wheat grass juice: Drink 1 to 2 ounces of juice per day (available in most health food stores).  If fresh wheat grass juice is not available, you can juice fresh greens or use a premade powder. 
To prepare your own juice:
o   Kale (1 bunch)
o   Spinach (1 bunch)
o   Garlic to taste
o   Beets (especially if you have a low platelet count)
o   Ginger
Directions: Wash well and put through a juicing machine.  For a slightly sweeter taste, add pure fresh apple juice.
·         Use rosemary as a spice.  It particularly helps with mental tiredness.

(all tips are taken from our book, Integrative Strategies for Cancer Patients: A practical resource for managing the side effects of cancer therapy.)    


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